Let Kids be Kids

Success Stories


Emma’s new GoTo Chair grants her the security to take on the world! Trunk stability is a concern for Emma, but with her new GoTo Chair, she is a happy grocery cart passenger on trips to the store. Time outside with her family is easier than ever because of the stability the GoTo Chair provides, and Emma’s indoor playtime is more interactive and independent. Her smile says it all.

Emma’s mom shared, “We received Emma’s Go-To Chair. It’s a game changer! She’s secure in her upper body and free to use her arms. She’s so happy! We can’t wait to use it everywhere!”

Play on, Emma, and keep smiling!


Laurence is all smiles in her brand new Firefly Go To Seat! Recently, Laurence, affectionately called LoLo by her parents, has been struggling with long hours in her wheelchair that have her fighting against gravity. She may require assistance to shift her positions, but she certainly doesn’t need any help making friends or putting a smile on the face of anyone she meets! In her new Go To Seat, Laurence will not only have more freedom and relief from her wheelchair, but also the opportunity to build muscle, play, and learn in a different position that gives her more comfort. Play away, Laurence!


Sonya is a young girl with an incredible sense of adventure and a taste for new things. One of her favorite activities is going for walks with her family and exploring the world around her, but her quick little feet have a tendency to take her to new places faster than her parents can follow. Her new Wonderfold Luxe Quad Stroller Wagon will allow her to enjoy the best of both worlds – Sonya will be able to enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells around her in the safety and comfort of her new ride. As a bonus, it has enough room to grow with her and accommodate her brother, too!


Annistyn is sitting pretty in her brand new SensaSoft Support VibroChair! The chair will be the focal point of her therapy room, where she can go to self-soothe and relax. When Annistyn is feeling a little overwhelmed, the SensaSoft Support VibroChair will synchronize with her favorite songs and vibrate at the level of her comfort to provide sensory relief. This chair will be especially helpful as Annistyn undergoes a series of surgeries in the coming year. Until then, Annistyn will continue smiling big and jamming out to her favorite tunes. Rock on, Annistyn!


Watch out, world, Phoenyx is here! Phoenyx is an active 12 year old girl who always has a smile on her face, but never more than when she’s on her bike. With her new Trivel T-350, Phoenyx is enjoying greater independence, more opportunity for physical activity, and lots of quality time spent in the great outdoors. She and her mom love to go for long walks. Before, Phoenyx might get tired or stick to her stroller, but with her new Trivel T-350, she and her mom can go further than ever. Her new tricycle will grow with her as she gets older, taller, and stronger. We can’t wait to see how far she goes!


That’s the smile of a kid who loves his new chair! Quinn is a bundle of energy. He is constantly moving and he loves to race around the house, especially at meal time. Previously, Quinn’s constant movement made dinner time a little messy, but with his new Rifton Compass Chair, Quinn is ecstatic to be included in a fun, comfy, and much cleaner meal time with his family. When his mom pulled his chair out of the box, Quinn instantly recognized it as similar to one he used at school and gestured excitedly to show how excited he was to sit in it at home. Keep on movin’, Quinn!


Our new friend Emma is strolling in style! Emma has Rett Syndrome, which decreases upper and lower extremity strength, as well as trunk stability. Her sweet new Freedom Concepts Adaptive Tricycle gives her the support she needs to ride in style. On top of looking like a very cool cat, Emma’s new tricycle provides her an engaging way to increase her muscular strength, widen her range of motion, improve her mobility, and, best of all, have light-hearted fun with her brother, Jacob! Because this bike will grow with Emma, it will serve her for many years to come. Keep on ridin’, Emma!


This is the coolest bike crew we have seen here at Chase’s Warrior Foundation! This year, Oskar received a Freedom Concepts DCP 12 Adaptive Bicycle to ensure that when his crew is out, he can be too. Oskar loves to ride with his siblings and his friends. Not only is his new bike great for spending time socially, but it also helps Oskar to build muscle and exercise to combat the effects of his Cerebral Palsy. Keep cruising, Oskar!

Juliet Black

Look at that smile! Say hello to Juliet, an 11 year old who loves being outdoors with her family, rain or shine. Juliet was recently granted a Hippocampe Recreational Wheelchair to make sure that she can go wherever her family does and never has to miss out on outdoor fun. Previously, Juliet was only able to join her family on excursions in a wearable backpack or being pulled in a tube in the winter months. While she loved these adventures, she was ready for a more adaptable solution. With her new chair, Juliet has been enjoying hikes, beach days, water activities, and even snow adventures! Even better, Juliet’s new wheelchair will grow with her, so the fun will follow her wherever she goes. Lead on, Juliet!


Luqman is looking good on his new Early Intervention bike! The bike helps Luqman to strengthen his arms and trunk, maintain flexibility in his legs, and interact with his family and community more effectively – plus, he looks great doing it! Luqman’s spirits are high when he’s on his bike, singing his own tune as he rides around. Early Intervention also gives Luqman more freedom to self-propel his bike, as it uses all four of his limbs at the same time. Keep riding in style, Luqman!


Hunter has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and tires easily, so this wagon allows him to make memories with his two younger brothers. The wagon, which can hold up to four little passengers, gives Hunter room to stretch when he gets sore and has plenty of room for him to grow – and plenty of room for his brothers to join him! Go get ‘em, Hunter!


Naomi is in full swing with the tricycle made possible by Chase’s Warrior Foundation. Naomi has congenital hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. She has put 141 miles on her tricycle since April 2022. Her and her family bike rides are now at a faster and longer pace. Naomi is also benefiting greatly from the adaptive tricycle, as it allows her greater independence and the opportunity to increase her activity level with her family and friends. In her best day so far, she covered 20 miles in one day! Naomi will be able to ride her trike well into adulthood, so we know that she’ll put even more miles on it – making lots of happy memories along the way.

Brett Poskin

Looking good, Brett! Brett is a 12-year-old boy who loves to be active and on the go. Unfortunately, due to his multiple disabilities, he is not always able to take part in active activities. His new adaptive bike will allow him to exert energy, build fine and gross motor skills, and reduce stress and anxiety. After receiving his bike, he LOVED it. He was smiling and being more vocal while riding it. He didn’t want to get off his bike after his second ride in the evening; he wanted to keep going. The parent steering in the back of the bike made it possible for Brett to have the ability to ride his bike. Enjoy, Brett!



Mandie Case

Back in September 2021, Chase’s Warrior Foundation connected with Mandie Case on FaceBook. She is an amazing woman who started a nonprofit called Belief Home (Belief Home) in Ghana, Africa to provide support to the children with food, shelter, and school needs to give them a chance to make it as adults. After a few conversations, we asked if the children there had ever used or heard of an UPSEE from Firefly friends. They had not, so we arranged to send Chase’s UPSEE Kit to them in Ghana. Once they got it, Mandie said the children were so excited! There are now children there that are walking for the first time ever! In her words: “It is really helping the children!” Hopefully this UPSee kit will continue to get kids out and #Letkidsbekids!

Colby and Churro

Colby and Churro unite at last! Meet Colby, a 9 year old with ROHHAD Syndrome who recently met his new helper, Churro. Colby’s family had been trying to get a service dog for Colby to help him pick up items, push the access buttons on doors, and regulate his overheating and pain. Now that Colby has Churro by his side, his new pal can help. Having Churro will allow Colby to build a friendship and gain confidence in sharing emotions. Enjoy your furry friend, Colby!


Meet Aria! Aria was born in less than ideal circumstances in a 3rd world country and abandoned at the hospital. When her family adopted her, she was suffering greatly from untreated hydrocephalus and severe spasticity. She has come so far in the two years that she has been home. Aria loves to be on the move, but unfortunately due to her severe developmental delays, she is unable to crawl or walk. Her new adaptive tricycle gave her the independence she so desperately wanted. Enjoy your ride, Aria!


Peyton received an adaptive tricycle to go outdoors with her family, and she’s been cruising ever since! Due to her cerebellar atrophy, Global Developmental Delay, scoliosis, and seizures, Peyton was unable to ride standard bikes. With this adaptive trike, she can enjoy the outdoors with her family, as well as maintain the strength and range of motion that she currently has. Peyton and her family are so excited to have received the tricycle just before summer, so they can take full advantage of this new therapeutic equipment. Enjoy your ride, Peyton!


We were first introduced to Lia a few years ago when she needed a UpSee. Lia has cerebral palsy and down syndrome and has a tracheostomy and gastrostomy. Her family lives in Mexico, so although challenging, we were able to get them the UpSee. With the high cost of equipment, we received a request for an adaptable stroller. As much as we love to help Kids Be Kids, we love that this equipment also brings such happiness to the family. This is the comment from Lia’s mom.
“We have no words to thank you for your great humanitarian work. Thanks to you, my daughter Lia will have a better quality of life and will be more comfortable. God fill you with blessings and give you a lot of strength to continue with this work.The stroller she has is in perfect condition will be donated to a little one.
Thank you thank you thank you.”


Chase’s Warrior Foundation received a request for a small Rifton tricycle for Sawyer. The Rifton tricycle helps Sawyer strengthen his bilateral lower extremality and increase his core control and balance. As excited as we are that the tricycle is therapeutic for Sawyer, the real joy is knowing the Sawyer can participate in family activities. Not only is he able to ride with his sisters, but it allows him to socially interact with friends and family. We had beautiful weather and Sawyer’s mom was thrilled. She could see how proud his sisters were to see him riding his bike. They had a fun week watching him live his best life outside. We are so excited to see the Rifton tricycle is letting Sawyer be a kid. Mission accomplished. 


We received a request from Viv’s mom for a Freedom Concept’s tricycle. You see, Viv was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and recently diagnosed with a rare genetic brain condition called Joubert syndrome. Viv is able to use the tricycle on a limited basis in therapy, but her mom saw how much joy this bike gives her. It gives Viv freedom to explore what kids her age are exploring, it lets her feel like she’s running down the halls with the wind in her hair, she smiles ear to ear the entire time she’s on it. On top of it being so much fun for her, it’s helping her as well. It’s helping her balance, coordination, strength, and so much more! This video and photo warms our hearts. Our mission is to Let Kids Be Kids and it looks like Viv has found it in her tricycle. Thank you to all who have helped bring smiles to so many well deserved kids.


Braxton is an 8-year-old who is diagnosed with hemiplegic cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder and hypothyroidism, and he is amazing. Part of Braxton’s therapy to increase core strength was using a Galileo vibration plate. The vibration plate was used in both his occupational and physical therapy sessions. The therapist noted significant gains in strength and control, as well as Braxton’s improvement with balance. The best part is with this therapy, Braxton can develop overall safety and efficiency to give him more opportunity to participate with peers at home, school, and the community. It ties in perfectly to our mission to let kids be kids. Chase’s Warrior Foundation was able to financially help Braxton and his family. The Galileo company provided the tools and training to help Braxton so he can continue to improve his motion, strength, and power. We received a sweet thank you video and note, and we are so glad we could help you, Braxton.


Chase’s Warrior Foundation received a request from a family in Florida. Owen has had great success with Trexo equipment and that has helped in his head and trunk control, gain initiation and most of all, it gives him the ability to participate in recreational activity with his family. His PT therapist doesn’t want the weather to deter from his progress, so Owen’s family requestion a Trexo treadmill. The treadmill allows for Owen to continue to gain strength and be able to walk indoors so he can continue to increase endurance and mobility with the family. We were happy to help and by the photos, it looks like Owen is a walking machine on the treadmill.


We received a request Cody’s dad requesting help with the purchase of a Freedom Chair. Cody was born at 32 weeks and due to lack of oxygen during and after birth, suffered from periventricular leukomalacia that led to cerebral palsy. Cody’s challenges include struggles with gross and fine motor skills and his vision. The Grit Freedom Spartan chair is equipped to give Cody the independence all teenage boys like and will allow him to “off-road” in the parks they like to visit. Check out Cody using his new bike. He’s able to use this in the park and for everyday walks to support him around the neighborhood. We are so happy to #LetKidsBeKids” and Cody is another example of the joy this equipment brings to him and his family. This is really a community and as Cody’s dad wrote, his thoughts and prayers are with all who face daily life with disabilities. We feel the same!


Stella was born with brain abnormalities that have resulted in significant developmental, physical, and cognitive delays. Her family asked for help in getting Stella an adaptive trike, as she loves the outdoors and would greatly benefit from an adaptive trike. She utilizes one at school, and she absolutely loves it. Due to Covid Stella missed out on physical therapy and school. There was a need for her to have an adaptive trike at home. She has 2 sisters including a twin, and they all were excited for Stella to join her sisters for a bike ride.


Mitchell’s family had asked for help in the purchase of an adapted bike. Mitchell has severe spastic and dystonia quadrapledia cerebral palsy. Every day is a challenge. He is completely dependent on us for everything. He is still working on developing head and trunk control. He is a very social little guy, despite being nonverbal. Chase’s Warrior Foundation were excited to help Mitchell, and the payback is the contagious smile. Enjoy the bike, Mitchell!


We received a request from Lia’s parents from Mexico City. Lia has down syndrome and suffered severe neurological damage caused by cardiac arrest. The Upsee arrived and brought joy and tears for Lia’s family. This message is the reason we work to donate adaptable equipment for these special children.

Monica – “Our eyes have filled with tears, when we saw our daughter standing for the first time. Thank you very much to all the people who made this dream possible. They are such great wonderful people, may God fill you with blessings. We have been through very difficult times and this great detail on your part has made us happy again.”

Leo is back!

Leo recently received and Upsee from Chase’s Warrior Foundation. This will help Leo who is working so hard in his physical therapy. Leo’s mom sent a thank you as it brings joy to her as much as it does to Leo.

NPAS 18-21 Transition program

Chases’s Warrior Foundation,

Thank you for the wonderful bike! The individuals attending the NPAS 18-21 transition program are already using it for therapeutic purposes as well as having fun on it. We are thankful for your generous donation!

Sue Kratochvil and NPAS 18-21 transition program students and staff


Tyson is 4-years-old and was diagnosed with Spina Bifida. It looks like he was excited to get his new bike!


This is Bella’s first few minutes using the gift you gave her. I will tell you that what you are hearing from her is her content chatter. She took to it right away. We only used it for about 5-10 minutes so not to tire her out but she was already moving her stronger leg a few times on her own. I am overjoyed, so is her family. I can’t thank you enough!! Feeling so thankful,
Kris Wagner Bella’s Intervener


I think this smile says it all! Here are a few pictures and a video of Ollie enjoying his new independence! Thanks to Chase’s Warrior Foundation, Oliver has been able to go more places and see more than ever before thanks to his new GoTo seat! After being born with severe hydrocephalus, which has resulted in a myriad of other diagnoses including cerebral palsy and significant gross motor skill delay, Oliver has spent most of his time lying down or strapped in his carseat. He has very little head control and even less trunk control. The day it arrived on our porch we set it up and took off for the grocery store. He was all smiles and giggles as we turned down each aisle and he looked all around from this new viewpoint! He also has enjoyed therapy time more at home now that he has a safe place to be supported, and I am now able to focus completely on interacting with him, rather than trying to prop him up, hold him, or having to wait until a second person was available to hold him upright for me! This product and your amazing foundation have given our family a little piece of “normal” back, for which I am eternally grateful. God bless you all!

Heather (Ollie’s Mom)


I wanted to at least get you one amazing photo before the summer passed me by. And boy is this photo amazing! Logan absolutely loves his Upsee! Thank you so much. Not only has the Upsee given him mobility to see and experience a 3 dimensional world, but it has also provided so many opportunities for him to interact with his twin sister on her level…this does not happen enough. One of the first nights I had him in it, we were out playing in the backyard and his sister Greta was pulling on a tree branch. Logan was right there with her, so I put a tree branch in his hand and when it flew out of his hand they both started giggling hysterically. This continued on for a good five minutes, just a brother and sister laughing together and experiencing some cause and effect lessons as they should at two and a half years old. These are experiences we don’t take for granted because we know how precious they are. Thank you for making that moment possible.

We are overwhelmed with gratitude and couldn’t thank you enough for the opportunities that Logan has in his Upsee to learn, explore, and engage in his environment.

Thank you kindly.
Allison, Eric, Logan, and Greta


Sorry I know it’s late on pictures/video but I still wanted to share with you what these products have allowed Jaxon to do! Although the goto seat is a little big but it will allow him to use it for a very long time as he grows into it! I simply put two folded blankets under the seat cushion to raise him up enough for the head rest lol he’s short for his age. The splashy makes bath time so much easier!!! For now he only requires one of the bumpers under his legs to stay in the chair but I know for sure the harness will come in handy this summer when we use it in his pool! The upsee is AMAZING!!!! This short video was from trying if out for the first couple of times. It has allowed me to take Jaxon outside for a WALK that would have never been possible had we not had the upsee! I truly can’t thank you enough and I hope you understand how much these items have been able to change/improve Jaxon’s quality of life!!! Thank you again so very much!

We love these stories, way to go Jaxon!

Playground Equipment!

One of our members, Amy Hennen, had the opportunity to present a check for adaptive playground equipment at Five Hawks elementary school in Prior Lake. It was a great honor to get up and talk to the faculty and students about our foundation and what we stand for. The kids and the staff are super excited for the new playground pieces that were recently installed. There was a delay on the installation in part due to a mother duck laying her eggs there. Thanks to our generous donors we presented the check for $6,000.


Everlee was born at 29 weeks and at 10 days old she got a really bad infection called NEC and while we were lucky she survived, as some kids pass within 24 hours. Around 2am she coded and they did CPR until she was Intubaded. Only a couple minutes. She was intubated for 18 days and underwent surgery to remove half of her small intestine that died from the infection. Because of the extent of the infection and the loss of Oxygen we found out in October of that year she had severe brain damage.

Everlee has a feeding pump that runs overnight, she does eat puréed baby food during the day and has bolus feedings to get extra calories and keep hydrated. She is mainly in a wheelchair but I learning to take a couple steps in a gait trainer. She is nonverbal, nonmobile without equipment. She is a very happy baby considering her limitations and she loves people watching! We are lucky enough to have PCA staff with her during waking hours. We just moved to a new home to better meet her needs in May. I think Everlee would love the splashy seat as she has never sat up in the bathtub to play or the go to seat to make shopping trips easier as well as restaurants and such! Thank you!

Oak View Elementary School

The students in the Connect program at OakView have a wide range of abilities and needs, but one common factor is that all students have sensory-motor integration disruptions and require adapted motor and sensory equipment. Students have the opportunity to engage in scheduled and as needed motor breaks in a large gym space or even the hallways of the school.

The students require adapted equipment to be able to ride bicycles/tricycles as their peers do. I would love to give my students the opportunity to experience recreation, and just ‘being a kid’, like their peers do. An adapted bicycle or tricycle would be able to be used by my students in the hallways of the school or in the large gym space and provide them with the opportunity to take gross motor breaks, learn a skills, a have fun being a kid.


October 2017

I (Lori) was in labor for over 36 hours with failure to progress and Alex became ‘stuck’. The amount of pressure on his head caused Alex to have multiple strokes at birth which led to hypoxia and seizures. Because of the extent of his brain trauma and injuries, Alex now suffers from quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy, cognitive blindness (cortical visual impairment), seizures, global developmental delays, feeding and speech impairment, and hip dysplasia. He also had infantile spasms when he was 6 months old, which left him on a course of extremely high doses of steroids for 7 months. This caused Alex to also have adrenal insufficiency and severe reflux up until about a month ago.

As mentioned above, Alex suffers from quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy, cognitive blindness (cortical visual impairment), seizures, global developmental delays, feeding and speech impairment, and hip dysplasia. He also had infantile spasms when he was 6 months old, which left him on a course of extremely high doses of steroids for 7 months. Alex has multiple therapies daily that include: physical therapy, occupational therapy, vision therapy, feeding and speech therapy, developmental therapy, and nutrition. For only being 2 years old, he has endured a lot and has proven to be a miracle. He is a strong little boy and a fighter! He never ever gives up on anything!

Alex is unable to roll over, crawl (although he tries so hard), stand, or walk. He pushes up on his legs to stand and tries so hard to pick up his leg to take a step, but then falls down. He wants so badly to be able to stand/walk. The small Firefly Upsee would allow Alex to participate in more activities and help him be upright and supported while being more independent. We want nothing more than to be able to give our son all of the opportunities that we can while allowing him to be as independent, as possible. Your help and assistance with a Firefly Upsee would be so greatly appreciated and a miracle for our little boy and we would love (if we would be allowed) to donate it back for another child to use when Alex is done.

This is the Thank you from Lori we can’t thank your foundation enough! That was the best feeling in the world to see Alex walk for the first time!!!”


Wyatt is a four-year-old little boy who suffered an anoxic brain injury at 18 months old from nearly drowning. Wyatt was excited to use a product from Litegait in his therapy, and Chase’s Warrior Foundation was able to donate to help a therapy company in Florida purchase this product. The family was very appreciated in our mission to bring home to children with special needs. The link below will bring you to Wyatt’s FaceBook Page showing how hard he works in his therapy sessions.

Zachritz Family Prayer Update

Chase Lykken Warrior Foundation, thank you from the bottom of our heart to contributing toward the lite gait system for Wyatt Zachritz and all the children at Kids on the Move physical therapy. This system has been helping Wyatt learn to stand with his weight as well as initiating steps. That is HUGE in his recovery! We like most parents, want our son to fully recover. So we ask for people to come along side us to help, because it takes a village to help a child recover for sure! I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of Wyatt’s village! Thank you!

Zachritz Family

It’s true it does take a village, you can be a part of that village by donating to our foundation. Just click on the donate button on the top of our webpage, and your dollars will go to a great cause.


July 2017

Chases’s Warrior Foundation donated an Upsee to Surai. Surai is practicing in her upsee so she can walk down the aisle as a flower girl in her parent’s renewal of their vows. Surai’s parents are so thankful for the donation that made their day very special.


June 2017

Leo has a very manageable genetic condition which our state screens for at birth, Methylmalonic Acidemia (MMA). Unfortunately, the state of Minnesota changed providers the year he was born, so his MMA was not caught or effectively managed. As Leo’s condition was untreated, he had a stroke and almost died in the emergency room at 16 months.

Leo had to re-learn all his basic skills (swallowing, talking, using his fingers, rolling over and crawling). In addition to his genetic condition, Leo now has a secondary diagnosis of di-pelagic cerebral palsy with a movement disorder.

He spent a month and a half in the hospital. Leo has done better than the diagnosing physicians said he would. He is a hard worker and a charmer and continues to make progress.


June 2017

Thank you Chases Warrior Foundation for the awesome gift of an Upsee for Brooke. Brooke is 11 and has a diagnosis of DDX3X, Epliepsy & Mitochondrial dysfunction. Brooke has many challenges and one of them is hypotonia which means her muscles are weak & floppy and she is unable to stand or walk on her own. Brooke has worked hard in therapy over the years to build her muscles and with the help of leg braces and a stander is able to stand to get pressure through her legs and feet which is very important for bone development. Brooke loves to have us help her walk but because she doesn’t actively take her own steps this has been hard to do.

Now that we have the UpSee Brooke is able to walk with us as often as she wants and LOVES it. She is trying to take some active steps and is really working her muscles and building her bone density. Brooke’s therapists have said this is the best kind of therapy for her. In addition to therapeutic use, the UpSee also provides Brooke with the ability to do things that other kids her age are able to do. She can kick a ball, help walk the dog and can stand at the fence and cheer for her brother at baseball games.

Thank you again to everyone who has donated to help provide children like Brooke with this truly amazing equipment which gives her the ability to take part in activities that she otherwise would not be able to participate in.

Mike & Stacey Pieper


April 2017

Nolan is 7 years old.  At four months old he started having seizures.  They quickly evolved into Infantile Spasms, a devastating seizure type.  Nolan was having hundreds of seizures a day. By the time he was 22 months old, he had 10+ failed meds. Statically speaking, he was given a 2% chance that meds would help his seizures. At that time, we were given a 50% chance that removing a portion of his brain (his “hot spot” – the area where his seizures started) would help his seizures. We went for it.  But unfortunately surgery only helped for 10 days.  Therefore, we were back to trying other meds. Over the past approximately 3 years, we found a pretty good cocktail and have eliminated his seizures to only a handful a year.

Due to Nolan’s seizures, he is severally physically and cognitively delayed. He is functionally nonverbal as his communication portion of his brain was removed.

Nolan has spent nearly his entire life in therapy but he goes through life with a big smile on his face.

This bike has given Nolan a chance to be like a neurotypical kid, cruising around on his bike on our neighborhood trails. He loves his new bike. He is full of smiles and giggles on the bike. We won’t tell him that this is also physical therapy.

Click HERE to see Nolan live in action!


March 2017

Lucy Joan Gallagher was born April 9th, 2014 with a rare genetic disorder. Lucy lives
in Bloomington with her mom.

Lucy now 2 is sweet and precious. When she was about 4-5 months old she
developed signs and symptoms of a genetic disorder. Complete genetic testing
confirmed that Lucy has a RARE Metabolic Disorder, CDG Type 1A (congenital
disorder of glycosylation type 1a). It is a very complex disorder with varying
symptoms and uncertain outcomes.

Lucy has been hospitalized 3 times including stays for feeding tube placement, a
seizure and an infection at the feeding tube site.

Some of Lucy’s problems include:
• Developmental delays
• Hypotonia (low muscle tone)
• Failure to thrive (slow growth) Lucy has a feeding tube
• Seizures
• Blood clotting disorder
• Esotropia (crossed eyes)

Lucy is receiving occupational and physical therapy and will eventually get speech

Lucy will have an ongoing need for special needs clothing, therapies and adaptive
equipment such as special needs strollers, standers, walkers, wheel chairs, bathing
chairs, special sitting chairs, car seats and beds to assist with mobility and daily
living activities.

Lucy has been enjoying the Upsee when her cousins are over it is such a wonderful piece of equipment.


November 2016

Daylan is 13 years old and is an 8th grader at Anoka Middle School. He is has an amazing personality and an unbelievably kind heart. He has always loved to ride and do tricks on his BMX bike, enjoys skateboarding, snowboarding and had a dream to one day play NFL football for the Oakland Raiders. On 5/30/16 in Northome, MN.  Daylan and my cousin were on a 4 wheeler and lost control after swerving for a turtle. We were told the night of his accident that the injury was most likely permanent and there was little chances of him ever walking again. He is now paralyzed with a complete T7 spinal cord injury. There was C2 had a  hairline fracture and his spine was fractured from T6 to T9. He had severe chest trauma and some minor scrapes and bruises. On 5/31/16 had a titanium rod spinal fusion that was placed from T4 to T11. We also found out that because of the spinal cord injury he has Autonomic Dysreflexia. He spent nearly a month at North Memorial due to respiratory complications before being transferred to Gillette Children’s for rehab for 5 1/2 weeks. We were able to bring him home on August 5th for a month but then he began to have breathing problems a short time after getting home, and had to return to Gillette’s from Sept 7th to the 21st after he needed another tracheotomy. When the second breathing tube was put in  they scraped the lining of his vocal cords and there is some thick scarring preventing them from opening and closing. We have began the process of repairing the vocal cords and will be making several trips back and forth to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. On October 20th, we had an unsuccessful procedure done at HCMC by someone Gillette referred us to and the doctor was not confident in any of the options for Daylan, and made the whole things seem very scary. I was not comfortable with making any decision before getting a second opinion. So we went to Mayo for that and will go back on November 4th to have a complete nerve, joint and cord exam done in the operating room while Daylan is sedated so the doctor can decide what plan is going to work best. She was able to explain things to us so that even Daylan understands what the process is going to look like. She is estimating another 6 to 9 months before he is able to remove the trach again.

I know every mom probably says this about their child but I honestly believe my son is the strongest and most amazing kid ever! Through all of this, he has had very few complaints, he continues to show his strength and courage by teaching others about his injury and by staying so positive. The way he is able to process things and find positives in every situation just amazes me more and more every day. I am so proud to be his mom!! He has decided that he wants to start saving up his money so he can buy a laptop with a higher quality video camera. He wants to create a Youtube channel that will be for teenagers who are going through similar injuries  so he can teach them how he is dealing with his injury, how he is emotionally coping with it and how he does specific activities throughout his day without the use of his lower body. I think that Daylan is going to turn this horrible horrible experience into something big and he  will be able to help so many others around him.

I know I have said it already, but I feel the need to say it again, I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am for all the love and support that has been shown to us during this difficult time. The generous donation from Chase’s Warrior Foundation made it possible to have a ramp custom built to fit our new yard so that Daylan is able to roam freely without any restrictions. We ended with the total length being 102 feet long with 36 posts and 4 different landing pads. The ramp starts at the front door and then wraps around the side of the house, slanting down a hill and then ends in the back yard right at the driveway.

To help Daylan and his family you can donate to their Go Fund Me page here:


August 2016

Jacob is a vibrant six year old boy born with Spastic Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy.  In essence, he has very limited use of his arms and legs; he has been confined to a wheel chair and limited to interactions he can do sitting in his chiar….up until now.  Thanks to Chase’s Warrior Foundation Jacob has been able to move around and interact with his family and friends using a mobility device donated by CWF called the Upsee.  Using the Upsee Jacob is better able to engage, out of his wheelchair, with those around him.  He can walk, run and play with his Upsee.   Having fun in the Upsee is a wonderful way to incorporate physical therapy sessions that he can actually enjoy.  His favorite things to do in his Upsee are play baseball, show off at family picnics, and simply be a part of what ever is going on with his friends and family.   Thank you CWF for bringing the joy of mobility to our cherished little boy.

Thank You again for this wonderful gift and Thank You for all of the efforts CWF provides to families as ours.


May 2016

In the words of her mother, Jessica Nutz -“This is Abbygail, she is 9 years old. She is sweet, smiley, vibrant and has a great sense of humor. Abby has cerebral palsy and she has challenges with muscle control and is also nonverbal. She can express her needs and wants through her expressions and eye movements. Abby has two brothers and one sister. We take her with us on camping trips, hiking, boating, swimming, and walks. She also enjoys school, animals, her friends, and family. Abby loves to be with other people and doing what they are doing (no matter what it is). At therapy when she practices riding the bikes her whole face lights up. When asked if she wants one she looks up for yes and has a smile from ear to ear. ”

Abby’s family had started a fundraiser to purchase a special needs bike from Freedom Concepts- thanks to the many generous donations to CWF, we were able to make a considerable donation to help purchase this bike!  Congrats Abby!  Enjoy your new bike!


Harrison was born via emergency c-section and required multiple blood transfusions. Somewhere either immediately before birth or during his time in the NICU he suffered a stroke. Harrison was also later diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called CAGSSS. This condition has challenged him with visual impairment, global developmental delay (does not use his hands or legs in any functional way, he is nonverbal, does not chew….) and seizures.  Harrison’s mom reached out to Chase’s Warrior Foundation to request a special chair.  Harrison requires constant stimulation from others because he cannot play with toys himself. We have found that even though he can sit independently, he is unsteady and therefore can’t use his other skills when sitting because it requires all of his effort just to maintain that. We have been told by therapists that a special tomato chair will help him to feel supported and secure, and as a result, use his other skills to play and learn while in the chair.

Chase’s Warrior Foundation was happy to help to purchase a chair, so Harrison can focus on having fun and interacting with his family and friends.  It brings such joy to see Harrison using his chair, and we are looking forward to putting more smiles on children in need of adaptive equipment 2021.


Sebastian sent us a letter asking for financial help to get a freedom chair.  He sent us information about the struggles in having  a lung disease known as chILD and I have EDS.  Here is a bit of his request, so of course we were excited to help Sebastian.

“The EDS makes my joint super loose and wiggly. The way they move makes it hard for me to do simple things like carry my backpack or even a gallon of milk. I’m lucky that I can pop my joint back in for the most part when they come out, but I get a lot of fluid and pain for a few days sometimes even weeks. I also wear KAFO braces. My braces help my knees stay in place when I run. When my braces are broken School will not let me go to recess, gym, or PT because they are afraid. I really miss playing with my friends during these times. I talked to my doctor about it and after a few visits we decided this chair was the best way I could stay active and keep up with my friends. My mom is helping me write all this crazy story of mine. My biggest dream is to be a Broadway star and I love drawing. I just wanted to share a little about me and my hopes for your help. Thank you for your time and for thinking about me! I hope to hear from you soon.”

We are as excited as Sebastian to see him on his Freedom Chair.  Your friends will have a hard time keeping up with you!!


Lillian has cerebral palsy, which makes her arms and legs very tight. She has had a feeding tube since she was a baby. We are very fortunate that she has good eyesight and hearing. Though it is hard for her to always manage her volume and articulation, she can say just about anything she needs to say. She loves going for walks with her dogs. Her wheelchair is heavy and difficult to push up even small hills. It has the most rugged wheels we could find, but it doesn’t work on trails or even a small snow covering. If we had a jogging stroller, walking around our neighborhood would be a lot easier, and it would also allow her to walk in many parks, on trails and possibly even the go to the beach or rocky lakeshore in our town.

Chase’s Warriors were thrilled to help in the purchase of the jogging stroller. As you can see, Lillian is on the move and she and her family can’t wait to hit the trails.  There is no stopping Lillian.


Henry (Joey) is a 15 year old boy with Angelman Syndrome with Epilepsy as well as Autism, Ataxia and muscle weakness. He is not able to use regular mobility products, but Henry would do great with a Freedom Concepts ET2600 Tandem mobility bike. This adaptive bike requested would provide a sense of independence, and also allow for peer interaction and social acceptance. Henry’s therapist knew exactly what he needed to allow him to be a kid! Jeannine needed help with the purchase of the tandem bike, and Chase’s Warrior Foundation was excited to help Henry find his independence. Jayne, Henry’s mom, sent a few photos and a thank you. “ Thank you so much for your generosity and support. Henry loves his bike.”

Ka Hin

Meet Ka Hin, who was diagnosed with left hemiparesis with secondary avm occlusion. With this diagnosis, Ka Hin isn’t able to use the bike he had, and biking is something he truly enjoyed. Ka Hin’s mom sent a request to Chase’s Warrior Foundation to help purchase a KGK Electric bike, so he can safely enjoy biking again. Not only would the bike bring joy, but help build strength and independence. The KGK Electric bike is not covered by insurance. We are thrilled to be able to help in the purchase of the bike and bring this smile to Ka Hin. Enjoy the ride Ka Hin.